Home » Questions » How confident are you in our current system in the U.S. for reviewing the effectiveness and safety of new medicines and medical technologies before making them available to the public?

How confident are you in our current system in the U.S. for reviewing the effectiveness and safety of new medicines and medical technologies before making them available to the public?

2023Q4 2017Q2 2014Q2
Very confident 26.0% 16.5% 15.4%
Somewhat confident 42.7% 45.8% 45.2%
Not too confident 16.9% 19.2% 22.7%
Not confident at all 7.4% 5.9% 7.3%
Not sure 7.1% 12.7% 9.4%
["Very confident","Somewhat confident","Not too confident","Not confident at all","Not sure"] [{"label":"2023Q4","data":["26.0","42.7","16.9","7.4","7.1"]},{"label":"2017Q2","data":["16.5","45.8","19.2","5.9","12.7"]},{"label":"2014Q2","data":["15.4","45.2","22.7","7.3","9.4"]}]