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Past Honorees


Edwin C. Whitehead Award for Medical Research Advocacy

(Awardee Selection Reserved to Research!America Board of Directors)

2024    Hon. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Hon. Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA)
2023    Hon. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Hon. Todd Young (R-IN)
2022    Hon. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Hon. Kay Granger (R-TX)
2021    Hon. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) (deceased)
2020    Hon. Mike B. Enzi (R-WY) (deceased) and Hon. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA)
2019    Hon. Richard C. Shelby (R-AL) and Hon. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY)
2018    Hon. Susan Collins (R-ME)
2017    Hon. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
2016    Hon. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Hon. Tom Cole (R-OK)
2015    Hon. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Hon. Diana DeGette (D-CO)
2014    Hon. Frank Wolf (R-VA)
2013    Hon. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Hon. Bob Casey (D-PA)
2012    Hon. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD)
2011    Hon. Richard J. Durbin (D-IL)
2010    Hon. David R. Obey (D-WI)
2009    Hon. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
2008    Hon. Edward Kennedy (deceased) (D-MA)
2007    Hon. Orrin G. Hatch (deceased) (R-UT)
2006    Hon. Michael N. Castle (R-DE) and Hon. Diana DeGette (D-CO)
2005    Hon. Paul G. Rogers (deceased) (D-FL)
2004    Hon. Bob Michel (deceased) (R-IL)
2003    Hon. Connie Mack (R-FL)
2002    Hon. Tom Harkin (D-IA)
2001    Hon. Ted Stevens (deceased) (R-AK) and Hon. C.W. Bill Young (deceased) (R-FL)
2000    Hon. John Edward Porter (deceased) (R-IL) and Hon. Arlen Specter (deceased) (R-PA)
1999    Hon. Mark O. Hatfield (deceased) (R-OR)

The John Edward Porter Legacy Award, generously supported by Ann Lurie

(Awardee Selection Reserved to Research!America Board of Directors)

2024    The Hon. Michael N. Castle
2023    Lawrence A. Tabak, DDS, PhD
2022    Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD
2020    Bruce M. Alberts, PhD
2019    Hon. Louis W. Sullivan, MD
2018    Hon. John Edward Porter (deceased)

Legacy Award

2017    Anthony S. Fauci, MD
2016    Harold Varmus, MD
2009    Hon. Arlen Specter (deceased)
2006    Nancy Reagan (deceased)
2003    Hon. George W. Bush

Outstanding Achievement in Public Health Awards, generously supported by Johnson & Johnson

Outstanding Achievement in Public Health

2024    Rajiv J. Shah, MD
2023    Margaret A. Hamburg, MD
2022    Matthew Myers, Bill Novelli, and Vivian W. Pinn, MD
2021    Anthony S. Fauci, MD

Building the Foundation Award

2024    Jason S. McLellan, PhD
2023    James E. Crowe Jr., MD
2022    Christopher Murray, MD, DPhil
2021    Katalin Karikó, PhD and Drew Weissman, MD, PhD

Clear Voice Award

2021    Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS, RET) and Michelle Williams, SM, ScD

Meeting the Moment for Public Health Award

2024   Celine Gounder, MD, ScM
2023    Hip Hop Public Health
2022    Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH
2021    Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities

Rapid Translation Award

2024    Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
2023    Noubar Afeyan, PhD
2022    Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV)
2021    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Moderna

Builders of Science Award

2024    Rita R. Colwell, PhD

Geoffrey Beene Foundation Builders of Science Award

2023    Helene Gayle, MD, MPH
2022    France A. Córdova, PhD
2020    Myron M. Levine, MD, DTPH; Gary J. Nabel, MD, PhD; Paul A. Offit, MD
2019    Susan Hockfield, PhD
2018    Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD
2017    Leland H. Hartwell, PhD
2016    John H. Noseworthy, MD
2015    David Van Andel and George Vande Woude, PhD (deceased)
2014    Leroy Hood, MD, PhD
2013    John Mendelsohn, MD (deceased)
2012    Donald A. B. Lindberg, MD (deceased)

Builders of Science Award

(Predecessor of Geoffrey Beene Foundation Builders of Science Award)

2011    Dean Kamen
2010    Robert W. Mahley, MD, PhD
2009    David Baltimore, PhD
2008    Richard A. Lerner, MD (deceased)
2007    Michael S. Brown, MD; Joseph L. Goldstein, MD; and Donald W. Seldin, MD (deceased)

Gordon and Llura Gund Leadership Award

2024    Robert W. Conn, PhD
2023    Heywood Fralin and Michael J. Friedlander, PhD
2022    Jed Manocherian
2020    Mary Fogarty McAndrew
2019    Denny Sanford
2018    Shari and Garen Staglin
2017    Joseph Biden
2016    Trish (deceased) and George Vradenburg
2015    Michael Milken
2014    Kathy Giusti
2013    John F. Crowley
2012    Scott Johnson
2011    Hon. Michael R. Bloomberg
2010    Robert Klein II, JD
2009    James E. Stowers (deceased) and Virginia G. Stowers (deceased)
2008    Pat Furlong
2007    Susan Axelrod

Exceptional Contributions as a Volunteer Advocate for Medical or Other Health-Related Research

(Predecessor of Gordon and Llura Gund Leadership Award)

2006    Gordon Gund
2005    Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker
2004    Ellen V. Sigal, PhD
2003    Wendy Chaite, Esq.
2002    Constance E. Lieber (deceased)
2001    Joan I. Samuelson
2000    David (deceased) and Lynn Frohnmayer
1999    Tenley E. Albright, MD
1998    John Z. Aquilino (deceased)and John D. Aquilino
1998    Al Hunt and Judy Woodruff
1998    S. Robert Levine, MD and Leah Mullin
1997    Sharon Monsky (deceased)

The Herbert Pardes Family Award for National Leadership in Advocacy for Research

2024    Norman R. Augustine
2023    Pamela B. Davis, MD, PhD
2022    Neal F. Lane, PhD
2020    Michael M.E. Johns, MD
2019    David R. Williams, PhD

Research!America Advocacy Award for Sustained National Leadership

2018    Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD

Sustained Leadership at the National Level

2004    Eric S. Lander, PhD
2003    Paul Berg, PhD (deceased)
2002    Robert N. Butler, MD (deceased)
2001    Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD
2000    Roscoe Robinson, MD (deceased)
1999    Margaret E. Mahoney (deceased)

Isadore Rosenfeld Award for Impact on Public Opinion

2024    Abraham C. Verghese, MD, MACP
2023    Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, a film by Ken Burns, Erik Ewers, Christopher Loren Ewers, Julie Coffman, and David Blistein
2022    Walter Isaacson
2020    Renée Fleming
2019    Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, DPhil
2018    Atul Gawande, MD, MPH
2017    Kathy Bates
2016    Lisa Paulsen and The Entertainment Industry Foundation
2015    Robin Roberts
2014    Glenn Close, Jessie Close and Calen Pick
2013    Diane Rehm
2012    Sanjay Gupta, MD
2011    Charlie Rose
2010    G. Thompson Hutton, Esq.
2009    Bob Woodruff
2008    Hon. Arnold Schwarzenegger
2007    Mike Wallace (deceased)
2006    Sam Donaldson
2005    Marlo Thomas
2004    Scott Hamilton
2003    Michael J. Fox
2002    Jerry Lewis (deceased)

Impact on Public Opinion Through The Media

(Predecessor of Isadore Rosenfeld Award for Impact on Public Opinion)

2001    Isadore Rosenfeld, MD (deceased)
2000    James Redford (deceased)
1999    Katie Couric
1998    Morton Kondracke
1997    Benjamin Reeve

Paul G. Rogers Distinguished Organization Advocacy Award

2024    Alzheimer’s Association
2023    The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
2022    Alliance for Aging Research
2020    National Multiple Sclerosis Society
2019    Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
2018    EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases
2017    Lupus Foundation of America
2016    The ALS Association
2015    Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
2014    Progeria Research Foundation
2013    California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
2012    The Food Allergy Initiative
2011    Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC)
2010    March of Dimes
2009    Genetic Alliance
2008    amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
2007    Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR)

Organization That Has Distinguished Itself By Its Advocacy

(Predecessor of Paul G. Rogers Distinguished Organization Advocacy Award)

2006    Center for Advancing Health
2005    Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF)
2004    The American Society for Microbiology
2003    The American Society for Cell Biology
2002    Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
2001    Society for Women’s Health Research
2000    Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research Funding
1999    North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research (NCABR)
1998    Connecticut United for Research Excellence, Inc. (CURE)

Raymond and Beverly Sackler Award For Sustained National Leadership

2017    Phillip A. Sharp, PhD
2016    Robert Langer, Sc.D.
2015    Kenneth Olden, PhD
2014    Reed Tuckson, MD
2013    Mark L. Rosenberg, MD
2012    Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (h.c.)
2011    J. Michael Bishop, MD
2010    Ann Lurie
2009    C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD (deceased)
2008    William Foege, MD, MPH
2007    David Satcher, MD, PhD
2006    Linda H. Aiken, PhD, RN
2005    Judah Folkman, MD (deceased)

Special Awards

Lifetime Achievement as an Advocate for Medical Research

1998    Michael E. DeBakey, MD (deceased)
1997    William G. Anlyan, MD (deceased)

Special Recognition for Research Advocacy

2000    Patty Wood (deceased) and the Washington Association for Biomedical Research
1998    Gertrude Quigley (deceased)
1997    Ellen Levine (deceased)

Inspiration, Empowerment, and Advocacy for Health

2000    PARADE Magazine – Walter Anderson
