Early Career Spotlight: Early Career Scientists at Michigan State University to Host Virtual SciComm Conference

In a fast-paced, ever-changing biomedical and political landscape, it is more important than ever for biomedical researchers to communicate effectively with policymakers. Recognizing the importance of equipping students with science communication tools, Michigan State University’s Science Communication group, MSU SciComm, a 2019-2020 Research!America microgrant recipient, has developed Conveyance, a virtual conference to connect students with science communication leaders taking place March 20-21, 2021.
During Conveyance, attendees can participate in sessions on topics like science policy, literature, art, and outreach. Science artists Dr. Semarhy Quiñones and Kelly Stanford will guide students through communicating science through tabletop games, illustration, and social media. Speakers from the Union of Concerned Scientists will speak about equity, advocacy, and effective blog writing. A hallmark of the conference will be the many workshops aimed at developing science communication skills. These interactive workshops will focus on such topics as pitching op-eds, hosting podcasts, creating compelling graphics, and much more.
To find out more about the conference or to register, please visit msuscicomm.org/conveyance.
Learn more about our Civic Engagement Microgrant program as well as past and current recipients here.