Of Three Minds

Should we be appreciative, disappointed, determined? The answer is yes.
You’ve heard this one before: two days before a partial government shutdown would ensue and nearly six months into Fiscal Year 2024, Congressional leaders reached a deal allowing more time for completing the FY24 appropriations process. Barring the unforeseen and based on marked progress across all 12 appropriations bills, Congress will complete the FY24 appropriations process by March 22.
To me, this is a moment in which it is completely appropriate to be of three minds:
- appreciative of Congressional leaders and their staff for avoiding a shutdown and refusing to default to a disastrous, full year “CR” (see our favorite primer on this and other FY24 budget scenarios);
- disappointed that our nation spends so much time trapped in past budgets when bold action is needed for national, economic, and health security; and
- determined to convince our elected officials to set their sights higher on behalf of the nation, championing timely budgets and bolstering investment in NIH, NSF, and our nation’s other research agencies.
Use this editable email to make the case with your representatives for faster progress and the funding growth and reliability that empowers it.
Rare Disease Week: Did you know that 1 in every 10 Americans is living with a rare disease? It is Rare Disease Day today and Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill: advocates from around the nation are meeting with their members of Congress to convey the staggering individual and societal impact of these diseases. This week’s #CuresNotCuts graphic focuses on the toll rare diseases take as another compelling reason to fund research. Share it widely!
Decoding the January National Survey: By now, I hope you’ve had a chance to view the results from our 2024 January National Survey. If not (or if so!), join us on March 6, from 11 AM to noon ET, for a special alliance discussion where we’ll dig into the findings. From election-year perspectives to public support across a range of research-relevant issues, we hope you’ll come away from this discussion feeling better equipped to inform and advocate. Register to join us on Zoom.
Americans and Trust in the Media: The Coalition for Trust in Health & Science, of which Research!America is a member, recently hosted a “learning lunch” featuring Sarah Fioroni, PhD of Gallup. She shared insights from Gallup’s latest poll on Americans’ confidence in mass media reporting, particularly attitudes about mis- and dis-information. You can view this timely discussion here.
“All of Us” is Having An Impact: Were you able to tune in to today’s alliance discussion featuring Josh Denny, MD, MS, FACMI, CEO of the All of Us Research Program at NIH? If not, I hope you will take the time to watch the recording and check out this Nature Medicine commentary about the program. Dramatic in size, scope, impact, and potential, this more than 750,000 participant-strong research project – if you’re not part of it, enrollment is still very much open! – Is well worth getting to know!
A Time for Celebration and Connecting: If you will be in the D.C. area on Wednesday, March 13, we hope you’ll join us from 4–7 p.m. ET at the National Academy of Sciences for our 2024 Advocacy Awards program. We will honor individuals driving innovation, advocating for progress, and making waves in the world of medical, health, and scientific research and innovation. The event is free but space is limited. Secure your spot now!