National Survey Reveals Americans’ Most Important Scientific Priorities

A recent survey commissioned by Research!America on behalf of a working group formed to assess America’s commitment to science reveals that Americans – across party lines – view science as critically important to solving urgent problems facing our nation. The survey reveals a public mandate for action. In the survey, overwhelming majorities say science benefits them personally, want America to maintain its global leadership in science, and agree the U.S. is at a critical point for committing to a major new initiative to assure health, security, and prosperity for the nation. One set of findings are of concern, however: Adults aged 18-29 appear to see science as less consequential to our nation’s future. In the remaining weeks before Election Day, readers can reach out to candidates to convey the survey results and urge them to support a science strong future for our nation. The survey clearly shows supporting science is a priority for voters. You can reach candidates through the nonpartisan Vote Science Strong site developed by Research!America and others with links to “tele-townhalls” and social media tools.
Four of Five of Americans Agree: It’s Time for an Urgent Refocus on Science
Which statement is closest to your view?
- Statement A: The COVID-19 pandemic is a disruptive event and requires urgent refocusing of America’s commitment to science.
- Statement B: Things will get back to normal soon; we don’t need increased efforts in science