Home » Questions » Fewer than 10% of Americans participate in clinical trials. Which of the following do you think is a reason that individuals don't participate in clinical trials? (Check all that apply)

Fewer than 10% of Americans participate in clinical trials. Which of the following do you think is a reason that individuals don't participate in clinical trials? (Check all that apply)

2023Q4 2017Q2
Other (Specify) 1.2% 2.8%
Adverse health outcomes 0.0% 34.4%
Lack of trust 56.5% 38.0%
Little or no monetary compensation 41.6% 33.7%
Not aware/lack of information 54.7% 54.9%
Privacy issues 29.0% 14.8%
Too much time 27.3% 18.1%
Too risky 45.4% 42.7%
Adverse side effects 51.5% 0.0%
No health conditions to treat 24.7% 24.4%
Distance 26.4% 0.0%
Lack of access 0.0% 22.3%
Lack of information about clinical trials process 0.0% 40.6%
Lack of monetary compensation for physicians to discuss clinical trials with patients 0.0% 14.5%
Not sure 3.7% 6.8%
["Other (Specify)","Adverse health outcomes","Lack of trust","Little or no monetary compensation","Not aware\/lack of information","Privacy issues","Too much time","Too risky","Adverse side effects","No health conditions to treat","Distance","Lack of access","Lack of information about clinical trials process","Lack of monetary compensation for physicians to discuss clinical trials with patients","Not sure"] [{"label":"2023Q4","data":["1.2","0.0","56.5","41.6","54.7","29.0","27.3","45.4","51.5","24.7","26.4","0.0","0.0","0.0","3.7"]},{"label":"2017Q2","data":["2.8","34.4","38.0","33.7","54.9","14.8","18.1","42.7","0.0","24.4","0.0","22.3","40.6","14.5","6.8"]}]