Home » Questions » Have any of the following factors motivated you to try to adopt a new eating pattern or diet in the past? (Select all that apply)

Have any of the following factors motivated you to try to adopt a new eating pattern or diet in the past? (Select all that apply)

Viewing: 2024
Losing weight 59.6%
Improving my physical appearance 55.3%
Feeling better and have more energy 68.0%
Protecting my long-term health/prevent future health conditions 56.3%
Preventing weight gain 39.2%
Better managing a health condition 35.7%
Improving my relationship with food 25.2%
Recommendation by my personal health care provider 18.8%
Eat in a way that would be good for the environment 17.1%
Recommendation/advertisement from influencer on social media platforms 5.7%
Reading a news article/blog post/study discussing effects of eating patterns 8.4%
Following MyPlate recommendations 3.3%
["Losing weight","Improving my physical appearance","Feeling better and have more energy","Protecting my long-term health\/prevent future health conditions","Preventing weight gain","Better managing a health condition","Improving my relationship with food","Recommendation by my personal health care provider","Eat in a way that would be good for the environment","Recommendation\/advertisement from influencer on social media platforms","Reading a news article\/blog post\/study discussing effects of eating patterns","Following MyPlate recommendations"] [{"label":"2024","data":["59.6","55.3","68.0","56.3","39.2","35.7","25.2","18.8","17.1","5.7","8.4","3.3"]}]