Home » Questions » Since 1981, the federal government has offered a tax credit to businesses pursuing research and development activities. This credit is not permanent, however, and has to be reconsidered regularly. This prevents businesses from being able to plan ahead when it comes to R&D spending. On the other hand, the federal government loses billions in revenue annually with this credit. How important is it that the federal research and development tax credit is made permanent?

Since 1981, the federal government has offered a tax credit to businesses pursuing research and development activities. This credit is not permanent, however, and has to be reconsidered regularly. This prevents businesses from being able to plan ahead when it comes to R&D spending. On the other hand, the federal government loses billions in revenue annually with this credit. How important is it that the federal research and development tax credit is made permanent?

Viewing: 2015
Very important 21.6%
Somewhat important 30.9%
Not too important 18.0%
Not at all important 7.7%
Not sure 21.8%
["Very important","Somewhat important","Not too important","Not at all important","Not sure"] [{"label":"2015","data":["21.6","30.9","18.0","7.7","21.8"]}]