Home » Questions » To the best of your knowledge, would you say that medical or health research in the U.S. is conducted in all 50 states?

To the best of your knowledge, would you say that medical or health research in the U.S. is conducted in all 50 states?

2024Q1 2023 2022 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015
Yes 32.0% 51.2% 48.5% 43.0% 23.6% 20.9% 28.4% 25.8%
No 32.2% 17.3% 24.0% 24.8% 31.6% 28.7% 34.2% 35.7%
Not sure 35.7% 31.5% 27.5% 32.1% 44.8% 50.4% 37.4% 38.6%
["Yes","No","Not sure"] [{"label":"2024Q1","data":["32.0","32.2","35.7"]},{"label":"2023","data":["51.2","17.3","31.5"]},{"label":"2022","data":["48.5","24.0","27.5"]},{"label":"2021","data":["43.0","24.8","32.1"]},{"label":"2018","data":["23.6","31.6","44.8"]},{"label":"2017","data":["20.9","28.7","50.4"]},{"label":"2016","data":["28.4","34.2","37.4"]},{"label":"2015","data":["25.8","35.7","38.6"]}]