Home » Questions » Which of the below would motivate you to participate in a clinical trial? Select the top three

Which of the below would motivate you to participate in a clinical trial? Select the top three

Viewing: 2023Q4
Other (Specify) 2.3%
Opportunity to improve my own health 69.5%
Opportunity to improve the health of a loved one 49.0%
Opportunity to improve the health of others 44.0%
Whether I would be paid to participate 33.7%
Opportunity to advance scientific research 22.1%
So public health officials can better track diseases, disabilities, and their causes 13.0%
My family and social network values participating in activities for the common good 6.1%
Opportunity to network and connect with healthcare professionals who could help me in the future 20.9%
Followed my physician's recommendation 23.4%
To get free healthcare 16.0%
["Other (Specify)","Opportunity to improve my own health","Opportunity to improve the health of a loved one","Opportunity to improve the health of others","Whether I would be paid to participate","Opportunity to advance scientific research","So public health officials can better track diseases, disabilities, and their causes","My family and social network values participating in activities for the common good","Opportunity to network and connect with healthcare professionals who could help me in the future","Followed my physician's recommendation","To get free healthcare"] [{"label":"2023Q4","data":["2.3","69.5","49.0","44.0","33.7","22.1","13.0","6.1","20.9","23.4","16.0"]}]