Home » Questions » Which of the following do you think is a reliable source for clinical trial information? (Check all that apply)

Which of the following do you think is a reliable source for clinical trial information? (Check all that apply)

Viewing: 2017Q2
Other (Specify) 0.9%
National Institutes of Health 31.4%
Food and Drug Administration 25.3%
Advertisements 10.2%
Doctor/healthcare provider 63.6%
Online/Internet 29.5%
Friends/family 9.6%
Industry (pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies) 14.4%
Patient organizations 18.6%
Universities 20.6%
Media (TV, radio, online and print publications) 14.5%
Foundations/charities 11.6%
Clinical trial registry (clinicaltrials.gov) 45.6%
Military (i.e. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research) 6.7%
Not sure 11.7%
["Other (Specify)","National Institutes of Health","Food and Drug Administration","Advertisements","Doctor\/healthcare provider","Online\/Internet","Friends\/family","Industry (pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies)","Patient organizations","Universities","Media (TV, radio, online and print publications)","Foundations\/charities","Clinical trial registry (clinicaltrials.gov)","Military (i.e. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research)","Not sure"] [{"label":"2017Q2","data":["0.9","31.4","25.3","10.2","63.6","29.5","9.6","14.4","18.6","20.6","14.5","11.6","45.6","6.7","11.7"]}]