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Georgia GA2023 Would you be willing to pay $1 per week more in taxes if you were certain that all of the money would be spent on additional medical and health research? 1 2023 202310010041
Georgia, Virginia GA2023 , 2022VA Do you believe the health care services you personally receive are based on the best and most recent research available? 2 2023 202310010068
Georgia GA2023 How trustworthy are the following sources of medical and health information: 1 2023 202310010089
Georgia GA2023 For each of the following sources, please indicate how trustworthy the medical and health information they provide is: 1 2023 202310010067
Georgia GA2023 How important is it to increase government funding for research on maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010139
Georgia GA2023 What are the most important health issues facing people in Georgia today? (Choose top three) 1 2023 202310010031
Georgia GA2023 When it comes to rising health care costs, would you say medical or health research is part of the problem or part of the solution? 1 2023 202310010032
Georgia GA2023 Can you name any institution, company or organization where medical or health research is conducted in the state of Georgia? 1 2023 202310010033
Georgia GA2023 Do you think the work that medical or health researchers do benefits all, most, some, very few, or no people in the state of Georgia? 1 2023 202310010038
Georgia GA2023 In general, to what extent do you think the work that medical or health researchers do benefits you? 1 2023 202310010039
Georgia GA2023 In terms of jobs and incomes, how important do you think spending money on health or medical research is to Georgia's economy? 1 2023 202310010040
Georgia GA2023 How important is it for the governor and Georgia lawmakers to assign a high priority to research that has a direct impact on improving health outcomes? 1 2023 202310010052
Georgia, Virginia GA2023 , 2022VA The U.S. spends about 6 cents of each health dollar on research to prevent, cure, and treat disease and disability. Do you think that is too much, the right amount, or not enough? 2 2023 202310010053
Georgia GA2023 Studies show that some health problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and maternal mortality happen more often among certain groups of people like those with lower incomes, those that lack health insurance, and those that live in rural areas. How important do you feel it is to conduct research to combat health disparities? 1 2023 202310010076
Georgia GA2023 Which of the following have you experienced when seeing a health care provider? (Choose all that apply) 1 2023 202310010077
Georgia GA2023 What are the biggest barriers to you accessing quality healthcare? (Choose all that apply) 1 2023 202310010078
Georgia GA2023 Do you think racism is an obstacle to people achieving equal health outcomes ? 1 2023 202310010088
Georgia GA2023 To what extent do you agree that maternal mortality is a problem in the state of Georgia? 1 2023 202310010100
Georgia GA2023 To what extent do you agree that maternal mortality is a problem in your local community? 1 2023 202310010101
Georgia GA2023 How important is it to conduct research to better understand and address risk factors for maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010114
Georgia GA2023 Which of the following areas should be prioritized in order to reduce maternal mortality? (Choose all that apply) 1 2023 202310010115
Georgia GA2023 Have you or someone you know (friend or family) ever been pregnant? 1 2023 202310010116
Georgia GA2023 Has your doctor or other healthcare professional ever talked to you about maternal health research findings and their implications for health care? 1 2023 202310010117
Georgia GA2023 Have you looked for information about reducing pregnancy risks, including risk of maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010118
Georgia GA2023 The most recent time you looked for information about pregnancy risks, where did you go? (Select all that apply) 1 2023 202310010119
Georgia GA2023 Have you or someone you know (friend or family) experienced complications during pregnancy? 1 2023 202310010129
Georgia GA2023 What pregnancy complication(s) did you or they experience? (Select all that apply) 1 2023 202310010130
Georgia GA2023 Do you know of someone (friend or family) who has died during pregnancy, at delivery, or within 12 months after the end of the pregnancy where death was related to the pregnancy? 1 2023 202310010131
Georgia GA2023 Research to prevent maternal mortality depends on participation from both pregnant and non-pregnant people. Which of the following would motivate you to participate in research specifically to address the prevention of maternal mortality? (Select all that apply) 1 2023 202310010132
Georgia GA2023 There are many forms of specialized care to help pregnant people before, during, and after birth. Have you heard of the following types of care? - Doulas (Provide emotional, informational, and physical support during pregnancy, birth and after birth.) 1 2023 202310010133
Georgia GA2023 There are many forms of specialized care to help pregnant people before, during, and after birth. Have you heard of the following types of care? - Midwives (Provide medical care for during pregnancy, birth, and after birth) 1 2023 202310010134
Georgia GA2023 Do you agree or disagree that the use of this type of care should be expanded to reduce maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010135
Georgia GA2023 Multiple parts of our community services (government, academic institutions, health care providers, and community organizations) are working together to reduce maternal mortality. In general, which statement most closely matches your view? 1 2023 202310010136
Georgia GA2023 Which of the following should fund research to better understand and prevent maternal mortality? (Choose all that apply) 1 2023 202310010137
Georgia GA2023 How important is it for the state of Georgia to increase investment in initiatives to reduce maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010138
Georgia GA2023 Many people say that more funding is needed to reduce maternal mortality in the state of Georgia- would you support or oppose including research to prevent maternal mortality as a line item in the Georgia state budget? 1 2023 202310010140
Georgia GA2023 Which of the following would you support including in the Georgia state budget for reducing maternal mortality. (Select all that apply) 1 2023 202310010141
Georgia GA2023 In your opinion would offering more early education and support services during and after pregnancy decrease maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010142
Georgia GA2023 Have you ever heard your elected representatives (state or Federal) talk about the importance of doing more to reduce maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010143
Georgia GA2023 How important is it for elected officials to support efforts to reduce maternal mortality? 1 2023 202310010144
Georgia GA2023 Which statement is closest to your view: (A) The federal government should do more to educate the public about maternal mortality (B) The public is sufficiently informed on maternal health issues and the government should devote its time and resources to other priorities. 1 2023 202310010145
Georgia GA2023 Some people say that the public should have more of a voice in deciding priorities for maternal health research and interventions. In general, which statement most closely matches your view? 1 2023 202310010146
Georgia GA2023 Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes toward the future of maternal health in Georgia: 1 2023 202310010147
Georgia GA2023 Please indicate whether or not you believe Georgia is a leader in each of the following areas, using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very much a leader and 5 is not at all a leader. 1 2023 202310010010
Georgia GA2023 How important is it that Georgia be a leader in the following categories? 1 2023 202310010020
Georgia GA2023 How important is it that Georgia invest additional resources in the following categories? 1 2023 202310010030
Georgia GA2023 Do you agree with the following statements? 1 2023 202310010037
Georgia GA2023 How much confidence do you have in each of the following to act in your best interest? 1 2023 202310010065
Georgia GA2023 How much can you trust the following institutions to do what is right for you or your community? 1 2023 202310010075
Georgia GA2023 Generally speaking, how often do you think our health care system treats people unfairly based on: 1 2023 202310010087
Georgia GA2023 How trustworthy are the following sources of medical and health information? 1 2023 202310010099
Georgia GA2023 To what extent to do you think the following factors contribute to an increased risk of maternal mortality from1 to 5, with 1 being 'not at all' and 5 being 'a great deal'. 1 2023 202310010113
Georgia GA2023 How trustworthy do you find each of the following sources of information on pregnancy risks? 1 2023 202310010128