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Survey Year Question Frequency Recency OrigSort
2022Q3 Have you ever sought information about brain health, from any sources? 1 2022 202208130034
2022Q3 The most recent time you sought information about brain health, where did you go first? (choose one) 1 2022 202208130035
2022Q3 Brain health research is the study of the brain and nervous system, including their structure, function, and disorders. Have you heard about brain health research before? 1 2022 202208130047
2022Q3 Some people say that patients should have more of a voice in determining brain health research priorities. In general, which statement most closely matches your view? 1 2022 202208130048
2022Q3 Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes towards brain health research: 1 2022 202208130049
2022Q3 Can you name any institution, company, or organization involved in brain health research? 1 2022 202208130050
2022Q3 Which, if any, of these institutions should NOT be involved in (funding and/or conducting) brain health research? Select all that apply 1 2022 202208130055
2022Q3 The BRAIN Initiative is a national public-private research initiative that supports the development and use of innovative technologies to help us better understand the brain. Have you heard about the BRAIN Initiative before? 1 2022 202208130056
2022Q3 Brain health research progress depends on participation from patients and the public. Which of the following would motivate you to participate in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130057
2022Q3 What are the biggest obstacles or concerns to your participation in brain health research? (choose all that apply) 1 2022 202208130058
2022Q3 Which of the following statements do you agree most with? Statement A: Despite the potential for risks, I believe that brain health research will have an overall benefit to society. Statement B: There are too many risks involved with brain health research that outweigh any potential for benefit to society. 1 2022 202208130062
2022Q3 In general, do you strongly support, support, oppose, or strongly oppose the donation of brain tissue for research at death? (Select one answer.) 1 2022 202208130063
2022Q3 How knowledgeable would you say you are about brain health research? 1 2022 202208130070
2022Q3 In what ways would you consider being involved in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130071
2022Q3 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: There are adequate safeguards in place to ensure that brain health research is ethically conducted. Statement B: There are not sufficient safeguards in place to ensure that brain health research is ethically conducted. 1 2022 202208130072
2022Q3 Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes towards neurotechnology: 1 2022 202208130076
2022Q3 How knowledgeable would you say you are about neurotechnologies? 1 2022 202208130077
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: People like me typically benefit from brain health research and its findings. 1 2022 202208130080
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: The treatments developed as a result of brain health research can typically be accessed by everyone. 1 2022 202208130081
2022Q3 Have you or anyone close to you benefitted from advancements in brain health research in the last 10 years? 1 2022 202208130094
2022Q3 Do you agree or disagree that brain health research is important to advancing health? 1 2022 202208130095
2022Q3 Do you think we are making enough progress in brain health research? 1 2022 202208130096
2022Q3 Who is responsible for accelerating our nation's investment in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130097
2022Q3 Do you agree or disagree that brain health research is important to improving your family's health? 1 2022 202208130098
2022Q3 How important is it to increase federal funding for research in brain health? 1 2022 202208130099
2022Q3 How important is it for the federal government to incentivize greater industry investment in new research in brain health to find treatments and cures for diseases? 1 2022 202208130100
2022Q3 Bain health research has shown that memory is not always reliable. Do you think the courts should rely less on eye witness evidence in trials? 1 2022 202208130101
2022Q3 Some people think individuals with brain disorders cannot be fully blamed for their actions. Others say that individuals with brain disorders are responsible and can be fully blamed for their actions. Which of these statements do you agree most with? 1 2022 202208130102
2022Q3 Should advances in brain health research help inform policy decisions and legislation? 1 2022 202208130103
2022Q3 Are there any other brain conditions that you or anyone close to you had or have 1 2022 202208130116
2022Q3 Please indicate whether you think the following statements about brain health are true or false: 1 2022 202208130021
2022Q3 Information about your brain health and function, or your brain data, can be used to help diagnose and treat medical conditions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about brain data: 1 2022 202208130028
2022Q3 How trustworthy do you find each of the following sources of information on brain health: 1 2022 202208130036
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements on brain health: 1 2022 202208130051
2022Q3 How important would each of the following factors be in your decision to participate in brain health research: 1 2022 202208130059
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each the following on brain health: 1 2022 202208130064
2022Q3 Neurotechnologies are devices that can gather information directly from the brain and/or directly modify the function of the brain. Have you ever heard of any the following types of neurotechnologies: 1 2022 202208130073
2022Q3 In your opinion, to what extent do the following have an influence on brain health: 1 2022 202208130082